If you maintain a web application and like to test locally, you probably have some amount of fake data (stuff that mimics your real production database). In my open source repos I’ve used it to provide people a starting point on install, and at my work we use it to make it feel like we’re real customers of our product.
For the last four years I’ve been working on a static site generator for Drupal called Tome. Unlike other generators Tome uses “vanilla” Drupal, which means that if you know how to build a Drupal site, you know how to build a Tome site! One downside of this is that when comparing a default install of Drupal with a default install of something like Gatsby, Drupal looks pretty outdated. I wanted to show Tome off but couldn’t do it well with core, so I decided to focus my energy on a new install profile for static blogs - Bookish.
Why do content management systems have backends? If end users only see your cached HTML, is it worth the technical complexity just so you can edit in production?
After a few weeks of mulling, I've decided to start doing more of my work in private, and drop most of my obligations with open source projects I maintain or contribute to.
I’ve done quite a bit of security research for Drupal, and one area of exploitation that I often come back to is the AJAX API. Drupal’s AJAX API is built on top of jQuery, and lets developers easily add interactive behavior to the frontend.
Drupal doesn’t have many SQL injection vulnerabilities anymore, at least not since the original Drupalgeddon was released into the wild. So what makes Drupal so safe? Abstractions of course!
There’s a feature in Drupal that not a lot of people know about, but is a great target for security research - private files. Private files allow you to upload files to a non-public directory on your server, then serve them through Drupal instead of through your HTTP server.
Recently I’ve started to pick up a new programming language, Go, but have struggled to absorb lessons from presentations and tutorials into practical knowledge. My preferred learning method is always to work on a real project, even if it means the finished work has loads of flaws.
I've just finished re-building my site using Tome and Single File Components (SFC), two Drupal projects I maintain and wanted to test out on a real site. If you're reading this post, you're already on my new website! Hope it's working OK so far.
I’ve been thinking about ways to make Drupal frontend easier recently, and have been working on an experimental module called Single File Components (SFC), which lets you put your CSS, JS, Twig, and PHP in one file.
Six months ago I started work on Tome, a static site generator for Drupal 8. After lots of rewrites and long nights, Tome has finally reached the beta phase of testing and development! 🎊
Note: This exploit was fixed over a year ago as a part of SA-CORE-2017-002/CVE-2017-6919, so unless your Drupal 8 site is really, really out of date, you should not be affected.
I recently celebrated my five-year anniversary on Drupal.org, and wanted to write about how I work on issues day-to-day and my general contribution “vibe”.
Last week I published the Twig Components Drupal module - the latest in a series of projects aiming to combine Twig, Web Components, and PHP. I wanted to write about why I’m doing this work, and why developers should care.
In the world of web security, cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities are extremely common, and will continue to be a problem as web applications become increasingly complex.
Note: The exploit discussed in this post was never included in a stable core release, so don’t freak out! The Drupal security team quickly fixed this while 8.3.x was still in development.